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                The characteristics of waterproof EVA foam

                时间:2019-12-07 阅读: 2265

                In daily life we often use the EVA foam, EVA lining packing, EVA sheet, EVA toys and so on are made, using EVA foam EVA characteristics also have a lot of kinds, such as EVA foam fire prevention, anti-static EVA foam, conductive EVA foam, high foam, EVA foam, waterproof EVA foam and so on, today to introduce emphatically the waterproof features of EVA foam.

                Waterproof EVA foam features:

                1, thinness, the thinnest can do 0.1 mm, support of ultra-thin combined miniaturization product

                2, waterproof and optimization in the field of waterproof material, waterproof reach seven criteria

                3, dustproof, good dustproof performance

                4, low elasticity, prevent the panel and the box body deformation, good resilience

                5, shock absorption, can reach more than 55% of the shock absorption, shockproof, buffer an excellent choice

                6, the characteristics of high temperature and high humidity, under the bad environment stability and weather resistance

                7, softness, although the material is very thin, but very soft, with good compression performance

                What are the main EVA foam rubber type, shallow of EVA products factory?

                1, toy factory with the green color of EVA, blocks EVA;

                2, packaging plant with coarse EVA, fire EVA, ordinary EVA;

                3, with the high elastic EVA shoes material factory, special requirements of EVA;

                4, printing pad knife mold high wear-resisting springback for EVA, rubber, EVA;

                5, sports equipment factory with shock absorption EVA, camouflage EVA EVA scope of application:

                EVA packaging materials for the fine structure, surface smooth, soft and elastic. Has a good shockproof, wear-resisting, prevent friction effect. Can effectively protect your product is not damaged. EVA can be made into different specifications, grade A, B, color, hardness can be 25 to 80 degrees

                Products applicable to: shoes, handbags, adhesive products, electronic accessories, lamp act the role ofing, artificial flower factory, computer mouse, mat material, toys, gifts, sports equipment, etc




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