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                当前位置:首页 - News - Company news
                In daily life we often use the EVA foam, EVA lining packing, EVA sheet, EVA toys and so on are made, using EVA foam EVA characteristics also have a lot of kinds, such as EVA foam fire prevention, anti-static EVA foam, conductive EVA foam, high foam, EVA foam, waterproof EVA foam and so on, today to introduce emphatical……
                EVA characteristics as follows: the structure is close, the surface is smooth, soft and rich flexibility, has a good shockproof, moistureproof, slip resistance, abrasion effect, can effectively protect products from damage. Strong impact resistance shock, excluding polluting chemical and degeneration of plasticity.
                Listen to the company's sales staff said that recently we MingYue anti-static EVA foam packaging company sells very good, very popular with the customers. So, for anti-static EVA has many people may not be very understand, what are its USES? Mainly applicable to the industry? Today, we go to a simple to understand.
                Non-critical applications sometimes after cleaning process used in the converter level. This means that a translator will buy before manufacturing of packaging materials, usually polyethylene, then put it in a clean room cleaning and packaging. Typical is usually out of the material into the clean room to convert a EVA……
                EVA packaging materials for the fine structure, surface smooth, soft and elastic. Has a good shockproof, wear-resisting, prevent friction effect. Can effectively protect your product is not damaged. EVA can be made into different specifications, grade A, B, color, hardness can be 25 to 80 degrees
                Eva material is commonly known as we define, English full name is ethylene - vinyl acetate copolymer, it is the chemical name of ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer, is a very common material, is more common in the daily life of bottom material, made of its
                EVA is a kind of elastomer polymer, can produce soft, flexible material "rubber". The material has good transparency and gloss, low temperature toughness and resistance to stress cracking, hot melt adhesive waterproof performance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation. According to the properties of the EVA, are often……
                Is the EVA material plastic or rubber? EVA may be plastic or may be rubber depending on the VAC content.




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