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                当前位置:首页 - News - Industry news

                Buffer, aseismic, heat insulation, anti-static EVA foam rubber gasket

                时间:2018-08-01 阅读: 2053

                With the prevalence of anti-static products, anti-static EVA foam then too. For most of the people, don't know too much, anti-static EVA now tell about one of the first kind of products: anti-static EVA foam, EVA is a kind of foam, can also be called EVA sponge. Heart in the market, sales of anti-static EVA has a lot of kinds, color also can casually for customers to choose.


                Anti-static EVA is based on EVA foaming principle, by adding appropriate ingredients, make its have anti-static function, with the role of electronic appliances, has been widely used in various fields, by the trust of our customers. Anti-static EVA, commonly used color is black, the specification can be arbitrary order, also can be arbitrary shape, the price is not high, stable performance, the products have passed environmental testing certification. EVA is a kind of plastic material by ethylene (E) and vinyl acetate (VA). The two chemicals ratio is adjustable to meet different application needs, the higher the content of vinyl acetate, transparency, softness and toughness will be relatively increased.

                Anti-static EVA foam foaming principle was caused by foaming agent under the appropriate temperature, produced a large number of bubbles in the raw material, after a sudden pressure release, bubbles, anti-static EVA material expansion, forming foam materials. The anti-static EVA foam foam is a new type of environmentally friendly materials, not only has a certain effect on antistatic, or very good cushioning, seismic, heat insulation material.

                Explain the main characteristics of anti-static EVA foam rubber gasket:

                Water resistance: closed bubble pore structure, non-absorbent, moisture-proof, waterproof properties is good.

                Heat preservation, heat insulation, excellent insulation cold and low temperature resistance, resistant to cold and exposure.

                Processability: no joint, and easy to hot pressing, cutting, coating and laminating processing.

                Shock: high resilience and resistance to tension, high toughness, good shockproof, buffer performance.

                Corrosion resistance: resistance to sea water, oil, acid, alkali and other chemical corrosion, antibacterial, non-toxic, tasteless, no pollution.





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